References sufficiently identified in the text are not given here.
p 5, line 24. 'Wordsworth/ The Tables I umed' 16
p 6, line 1. 'Vico/ The New Science <>/ C.nuiihaltisln Vico, tr. Bergin
and Fisch (1968), section 331 line 30. 'Heidegger/ An Introduction /<> Metaphysics, tr.
Manheim (1959) p 7, line 17. 'Frazer/ Apollodorus, The I ihnin/ (l.oeb lr., 1921)
xxvii p 11, line 12. 'Decreation/ Cf. Wall.uv Mevens, The Necessary
Angel (1951) 174 p 12, line 8. 'Emily Dickinson/ /.<*//«•/-, (llHkn.ip Tress 1958) II,
576 p 14, line 6. 'Joyce's phrase/ U/i/ssrs (U.nulom I louse ed. 1934)
35 p 15, line 18. 'Jacques Lacan/ The Lnn^iu^e of the Sc//, tr. Wilden
(1968) 18 p 19, line 24. 'Marcel Duchamp/ The (,reen ttox, tr. Hamilton
p 25, line 2. 'Eliot/ 'Burnt Norton' 65 p 28, line 26. 'Samuel Butler/ Life and llttbit, Ch. 7
p 32, line 21. 'Milton/ Paradise Lost, I 741
p 34, line 10. 'St Augustine/ Confessions, Bk 12
p 37, line 25. 'Aristotle/ Metaphysics, section 988a
p 39, line 7. 'Robert Graves/ To Juan at the Winter Solstice' 9
p 40, line 21. 'Michael Wigglesworth/ The Day of Doom, sts
line 31. 'Sir Thomas Browne/ Religio Medici, The First Part p 41, line 22. 'Puttenham/ Elizabethan Critical Essays, ed. Gregory
Smith, II, 188 p 43, line 14. 'circuit-rider/ Literary History of Canada, ed. Klinck
(1965) 130 (actually Lower Canada)
line 28. 'Book of Enoch/ I Enoch, section 54 p 44, line 1. 'Hegel/ Phenomenology of the Spirit, section 774 line 20. 'Popol Vuh/ Popol Vuh, The Sacred Book of the
Ancient Quiche Maya, 1950, 82ff
p 45, line 31. 'Edmund Burke/ Appeal from New to Old Whigs p 46, line 11. 'Sidney/ r.liznbethiui Critical Essays, ed. Gregory
Smith, i, 1%
p 48, line 8 'IXmle/ I'uniiliw xxxiii p SK, line S 'Solomon/ 1 Kings 8:51 p S*), linr 2S. 'typology/ See Auerbach, Scenes from the Drama of
I'.uwpctui I itcnituir (1973). The essay on 'Figura/ 11-76, is
pr»u tidily indispensable.
P w>, line 22. 'Shakespeare's Wolsey/ Henry VIII, III, ii, 359 P <>8, line 28. 'one of the Psalms/ Psalm 18:10 (cf. II Samuel
22:11) p 70, line 28. 'Heidegger/ Poetry, Language, Thought, tr. Hofstadter
(1971) 198 p 83, line 10. 'everlasting gospel/ Revelation 14:6
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